Mask Mandates: Teacher Concerns

As school districts continue to lift their mask mandates, educators and school leaders are expressing their concern and encouraging students to respect each others’ decisions in regard to wearing masks in class. 

  • “As BPS lifts it’s mask mandate starting Monday, #jaguarnation will respect EVERYONE’S right to continue to wear a mask or go without.” —High School Principal, Minnesota
  • “While @LNCharter is now a Mask Optional environment, many will continue to wear a mask. We will all respect these personal decisions by demonstrating Empathy & Compassion together, which is the Leadership in Action emphasis this year at the high school. Continue to Be Your Best.” —Charter School Principal, North Carolina
  • “@CCPSNews will continue to make responsible mask decisions that are best for our community. We know this pandemic impacts all and it takes all working safely in the same spaces to continue face-to-face. We will not allow masks to be a wedge/culture issue dividing our community.” —Superintendent 
    • “This morning, as we talked about what’s in our news, the mask mandate being lifted came up a few times. So, we zoomed in on what it means to go ‘mask-optional’ as a community.  First slide: our questions Second: students discussing & me writing. Discussion will continue tomorrow.” —Educator
    • “Today is my first day teaching with our new mask-optional policy. As a double vaxxed and boosted person, here’s what I decided… If anyone (staff or student) in the room is wearing a mask, I’ll wear mine too.” —Educator
    • “Here in Massachusetts, the mask mandate just ended and our district has made it optional. Most kids are maskless, but many of the teachers on my team – myself included – are largely remaining masked up, either for our own health and/or for the kids in our classes.” —History Teacher, Massachusetts
  • “Our district goes mask-optional today. Not sure how I feel about it but it’s nice to not have to remind kids to mask up. mandatory testing for staff and athletes 2x /week.” —K-8 Educator